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Democratic Republic Of The Congo

Democratic Republic Of The Congo

Nyiragongo Volcano Escarpment of Angola Lake Tanganyika

Nyiragongo Volcano 1
Introduction The Nyiragongo Volcano is an active stratovolcano located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in the Virunga Mountains ...

Escarpment of Angola 2
Introduction The Escarpment of Angola is a prominent geographical feature located in the southwestern region of Angola, Africa ...
Geography The Escarpment of Angola stretches for approximately 1,000 kilometers from the northern border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the southern border with Namibia ...

Lake Tanganyika 3
Lake Tanganyika is a freshwater lake located in East Africa, within the Great Rift Valley ...
Lake Tanganyika is bordered by four countries: Tanzania, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi, and Zambia ...

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